Saturday, November 28, 2009

With the present economic climate do you still buy expensive cosmetics ?

Or do you now substitute the expensive stuff with cheaper products ?With the present economic climate do you still buy expensive cosmetics ?
I didn't think it was fair for me to still buy expensive stuff when food is more important. I switched loads of things and I haven't come out in boils or rashes and no one has said my skin looks awful so I'm happy.

I've found it quite fun trying to find alternatives and I look at prices a lot more than I used to.With the present economic climate do you still buy expensive cosmetics ?
I tried to replace the prescriptives foundation with some cheaper mineral makeup and it looked awful. The only expensive makeup I buy is the foundation and concealer. The foundation is about 45 dollars and the concealer is 25 dollars. I like the way it looks because it does not make wrinkles show and it stay fresh.The color is perfect .
yes i still buy the expensive brands because i find that the colours are more saturated and stay on longer so I dont have to waste product and keep re-applying and waste money. Also places like mac have makeup artists who will help you find the right product so you dont waste money buying different things to experiment and find the right look.
I have my own line of mineral makeup so fortunately I don't have to worry about that but I would assume that women WON'T substitute their favorite cosmetics. We're funny that way.
Yes. Yes I do.

I don't know where I would be without my YSL mascara %26lt;3

I always thing that expensive cosmetics last longer as you don't need to put as much on as you do with the crappy brands.

Used to wear bare minerals and switched to everyday minerals :D everyday works much much better to my surprise.
Not as much as I used to lol! No more Estee Lauder and Lancome! But I still buy expense perfume lol, no substitute for that!
Yes I do. My wife would kill me if I didn't.
My wife buys what she needs which isn`t much but I know she doesn`t compromise on those things,
No...I look silly wearing any make up at all Amanda..
i buy what works, let put it that way. :)
uh no can't say that i do Amanda,lol

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